• Lifelong for Tunisia attacks

    Lifelong for Tunisia attacks

    tunis February 9, 2019 21:00 Hot Recent News

    Seven terrorists were sentenced to life imprisonment on Saturday for their share in two attacks in Tunisia in 2015. During the attack on the Bardo museum in the capital Tunis in March, 21 people...

  • Saudi crown prince test popularity

    Saudi crown prince test popularity

    tunis November 28, 2018 06:32 Hot Recent News

    Mohammed bin Salman tries to restore his broken image during his first trip abroad since the murder of Jamal Khashoggi. After a warm bath in three Arab countries, the Saudi Crown Prince is now waiting for some serious obstacles.

  • Cabinet change in Tunisia

    Cabinet change in Tunisia

    tunis November 6, 2018 00:16 Hot Recent News

    Tunisian Prime Minister Youssef Chahed appointed ten new ministers on Monday. With the government change he hopes to inject fresh blood into his government, which is widely criticized because it can not solve the economic crisis.

  • At least twenty wounded by Tunis attack

    At least twenty wounded by Tunis attack

    tunis October 30, 2018 23:00 Hot Recent News

    Because of the suicide attack in the center of the Tunisian capital Tunis, at least twenty people were injured. It concerns fifteen agents and five passers-by, says a spokesman for the security services. Most of them suffered minor injuries.

  • 'Libyans leave trapped migrants'

    'Libyans leave trapped migrants'

    tunis August 29, 2018 17:48 Hot Recent News

    Hundreds of imprisoned migrants in the Libyan capital Tripoli have been left to their fate by their guards. That happened after battles broke out in the neighborhood. According to an anonymous counselor, it is a detention center in Ain Zara, where an estimated four hundred migrants are trapped.

  • Protest against more women's rights in Tunisia

    Protest against more women's rights in Tunisia

    tunis August 11, 2018 19:30 Hot Recent News

    Hundreds of Tunisians have taken to the streets to protest against the government plan to improve the rights of women and gays. The demonstrators, including clerics, gathered in front of the parliament building on Saturday to express their displeasure.

  • Berlin transfers terrorist suspect to Tunis

    Berlin transfers terrorist suspect to Tunis

    wiesbaden May 9, 2018 11:42 Hot Recent News

    Germany has Wednesday expelled a Tunisian terror suspect and handed over to the Tunisian authorities. Haikel S. is suspected, among other things, of being involved in the bloody attack on the Bardo Museum in Tunis in March 2015, causing 21 tourists to die.

  • Germany may extradite terror suspect

    Germany may extradite terror suspect

    karlsruhe May 7, 2018 12:51 Hot Recent News

    Germany may extradite a Tunisian who may have been involved in a bloody attack on tourists in his homeland. The German Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe ruled that Haikel S. can be returned to his homeland. He does not have to fear the death penalty according to the court.

  • Tunisian women break through the taboo and take to the streets

    Tunisian women break through the taboo and take to the streets

    tunis March 10, 2018 18:09 Hot Recent News

    Hundreds of women have taken to the streets in the capital of Tunisia to claim the same inheritance rights as men. That is a subject that is usually seen as a taboo in the Arab world. In the North African country, women are allowed more than anywhere else in the region. Since last year, a Muslim woman is even allowed to marry a man who is not an Islamite.

  • VN strike alarm after executions in Benghazi

    VN strike alarm after executions in Benghazi

    tunis January 24, 2018 22:03 Hot Recent News

    The UN mission in Libya alarmed after reports of summary executions Wednesday in the city of Benghazi shortly after a double bomb attack at a mosque that caused at least 35 deaths. The UN reacts to images that show how at least nine people are executed who were captured after the attacks.

  • Right hand leader Al-Qaeda Maghreb killed

    Right hand leader Al-Qaeda Maghreb killed

    tunis January 21, 2018 06:00 Hot Recent News

    The security services in Tunisia have killed a senior al-Qaeda member in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). According to a government official, Algerian Bilel Kobi was the right hand of Abu Musab Abdel Wadoud, the leader of the North African branch of the terrorist network. He was shot down during an ambush at the border with Algeria.

  • Almost 800 demonstrators stuck in Tunisia

    tunis January 12, 2018 20:21 Hot Recent News

    The Tunisian authorities have arrested approximately 150 activists on Friday, including some leaders of the opposition. Earlier in the week, security forces also intervened in protests against the high prices and the increase in taxes. According to the Tunisian government, almost eight hundred demonstrators are now in prison.

  • Again unrest in Tunisia: hundreds of arrests

    tunis January 11, 2018 09:27 Hot Recent News

    For the third evening and night in a row, Tunisia was troubled by protests against tax increases, unemployment and price rises. Security forces certainly arrested three hundred protesters. The army was deployed in various cities.

  • Erdogan goes to 'terrorist' Assad

    tunis December 27, 2017 14:06 Hot Recent News

    Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad is a 'terrorist' who is an obstacle to peace in his country. Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan said this during a press conference with his Tunisian counterpart Beji Caid Essebsi.

  • Tunisia calls ambassador VS on matje

    tunis December 8, 2017 11:15 Hot Recent News

    Tunisia called on the American ambassador on Friday for recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel by US President Donald Trump. Tunisian President Beji Caid Essebsi will convey his dissatisfaction about this, according to one of his advisers.

  • Woman in nikab does not see face and is denied in Belgium
    0 Comment 180

    Woman in nikab does not see face and is denied in Belgium

    zaventem September 15, 2017 17:57 Hot Recent News

    A Danish woman in a nikab was denied access to Belgium on Wednesday because she did not show her face at a border inspection at Zaventem airport. That's what Theo Francken, State Secretary for Asylum and Migration, announced on Friday. In Belgium, it has been forbidden to wear a nikab since 2011.

  • Travel advice Tunisia partially relaxed

    Travel advice Tunisia partially relaxed

    the hague July 29, 2017 10:39 Hot Recent News

    The travel advice for Tunis and the tourist coastal areas in Tunisia, such as the island of Djerba, has been relaxed. That was reported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday. Travel to those areas is no longer relieved, but there are still strong warnings.

  • Germany may not turn Tunisian off

    Germany may not turn Tunisian off

    frankfurt July 26, 2017 14:15 Hot Recent News

    Germany may not expel a Tunisian who may be involved in a bloody assault in his native country to Tunisia. A court in Frankfurt stuck there because there are no guarantees that he does not get the death penalty in Tunisia.

  • Benghazi airport reopened after three years

    Benghazi airport reopened after three years

    benghazi July 15, 2017 18:21 Hot Recent News

    The international airport of Benghazi has been officially reopened for commercial flights on Saturday during heavy surveillance. The airport was closed for three years because of the fierce fighting in and around the Libyan city and the chaos. The first devices that took off Benina Airport went to capital Tripoli, Amman in Jordan and to Kufra in southeastern Libya.

  • Germany produces terror suspect from

    Germany produces terror suspect from

    berlin March 12, 2017 17:09 Hot Recent News

    The German authorities will extradite a Tunisian who was possibly involved in a bloody attack on tourists in his homeland. The German Minister Thomas de Maizière (Interior) showed Sunday knowing that the man could be sent back.

  • Tunisian suspect was monitored

    Tunisian suspect was monitored

    wiesbaden February 1, 2017 12:33 Hot Recent News

    The Tunisian who was arrested Wednesday in an anti-terrorist action in Germany, was a 24-hour monitored by the authorities. That constant surveillance went in after the man had to be released last year because his removal was unsuccessful.

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