• Steward saves life French Bulldog

    Steward saves life French Bulldog

    orlando July 10, 2018 10:48 Hot Recent News

    A French Bulldog was able to get off the plane alive last week thanks to the action of the crew of the American budget flyer JetBlue. The dog was drowsy and hardly reacted to anything else, when a flight attendant took out an oxygen mask and placed it over the nose and mouth of the little four-legged friend.

  • Protest during the inauguration of President Honduras

    Protest during the inauguration of President Honduras

    tegucigalpa January 27, 2018 20:15 Hot Recent News

    The Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández was sworn in on Saturday for a second term of four years after controversial elections. The course of events again led to great protest in the streets of Tegucigalpa and to skirmishes between police and many thousands of demonstrators.

  • Hernández declared winner in Honduras

    tegucigalpa December 18, 2017 08:15 Hot Recent News

    After weeks of unrest and uncertainty, the highest electoral tribunal in Honduras, President Juan Orlando Hernández, has been declared the winner of the presidential election. The election was held at the end of November, but it was unclear for a long time who would become the new president.

  • US Mayor abuses disabled woman card

    davenport December 7, 2017 13:03 Hot Recent News

    The American police arrested a mayor of a place in the state of Florida who used a parking card from a deceased disabled woman. With that she stood on parking spaces where she normally is not allowed to stand.

  • 'Stay accessible', the Dutch hear in Honduras

    the hague December 5, 2017 17:09 Hot Recent News

    The Dutch in Honduras do well to be accessible if crises arise in the country. This advice is provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in response to the major unrest that has broken out due to the course of the presidential election.

  • Opposition Honduras sees ballot box fraud

    tegucigalpa December 4, 2017 19:24 Hot Recent News

    The incumbent Honduran president Juan Orlando Hernández can basically prepare for a new term. The National Electoral Council announced on Monday, after all the votes had been counted, that Hernández had been supported by 42.98 percent of the electorate. His rival Salvador Nasralla came to 41.39 percent, about 52,000 votes less.

  • Again killing in riots in Honduras

    tegucigalpa December 2, 2017 22:06 Hot Recent News

    Two people were killed in Honduras during fighting between security units and protesters. The authorities announced that on Saturday. The death toll has therefore risen to at least three. More than twenty people were injured. The police performed hundreds of arrests and announced a curfew.

  • Strange bathers rinse after hurricanes

    Strange bathers rinse after hurricanes

    philipsburg September 13, 2017 21:03 Hot Recent News

    After Hurricanes Irma and Harvey have housed in the Caribbean and in parts of the US, countless wild animals have been washed in places they do not belong to. Homeowners hit frogs and catfish in their pools, and in Florida they are warned of stray snakes and alligators. In Texas, a mysterious sea creature is doing the moods.

  • 9 years old after abuse pastor

    9 years old after abuse pastor

    willem city July 5, 2017 20:36 Hot Recent News

    The Curaçao pastor Orlando B. was sentenced to nine years in prison for sexual abuse by the court in Willemstad on Wednesday afternoon. He may also not perform the function of pastor for fourteen years. Against the spiritual, eighteen years of celery was required.

  • Kings couple visits Sicily

    Kings couple visits Sicily

    palermo June 21, 2017 10:15 Hot Recent News

    King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima go on the second day of their state visit to Italy to the capital of Sicily, Palermo. The island of Sicily, once part of a kingdom with Naples, rarely sees government guests coming to visit. The royal stay lasts only 5.5 hours, including the Sicilian concepts, very hard time for lunch at Mayor Leoluca Orlando.

  • Last baby orka born in SeaWorld
    0 Comment 157

    Last baby orka born in SeaWorld

    san antonio April 20, 2017 16:21 Hot Recent News

    In the American SeaWorld theme park, wednesday 25th anniversary of Takara was celebrated on Wednesday night. Her little baby will be the last hurricane born in captivity in the park in San Antonio, Texas.

  • arrested woman shooter 'Orlando'

    arrested woman shooter 'Orlando'

    san francisco January 16, 2017 17:42 Hot Recent News

    The wife of the gunman who shot 49 people in June last year in a gay club in Orlando, Florida, was arrested Monday in San Francisco. Noor Salman is suspected to have helped her husband, Omar Mateen, said her lawyer to US media.

  • Rather no weapons in Levi's stores

    Rather no weapons in Levi's stores

    December 1, 2016 17:42 Hot Recent News

    The clothing giant Levi's has sued in the United States are not armed to come shopping. The boss, Chip Bergh, has in an open letter on the internet asking customers to bring any weapons, even though they've got a license, The Washington Post reported Thursday. 'Nobody has firearms needed to fit a pair of jeans,' Bergh stressed.

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