Spain and Portugal Facing Tourist Complaints

spain, portugal - Residents in Spain and Portugal express frustration over increasing number of tourists in residential areas.
Unending Complaints
Residents in Spain and Portugal are voicing their concerns over the overwhelming presence of tourists in their neighborhoods. The influx of tourists has led to a surge in short-term rental properties, causing discomfort and disturbances for the locals.
An example from Lisbon is 71-year-old Portuguese resident Alex, who feels like living in a ghost town due to the constant turnover of tourists in his building. The lack of familiar faces and sense of community has prompted him to consider moving to a different area.
Similar sentiments are echoed by Joao Povoa in Lisbon and Esther in Barcelona, who both highlight the challenges of living amidst multiple tourist accommodations. From disruptive parties to noise pollution and lack of privacy, residents are increasingly frustrated with the situation.
The continuous disturbances have led to actions being taken, such as a petition in Lisbon calling for a referendum on banning tourist rentals in residential buildings.

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