Kim Jong-un Presents Largest Warship Ever Built in North Korea

north korea - North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has recently unveiled a new warship, marking the largest torpeda destroyer ever built by the country.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has recently unveiled a new warship. The torpeda destroyer, measuring a hundred meters in length and weighing 3600 tons, is the largest ever built by the country.
The current largest ship, weighing 'only' 1360 tons, reports The Telegraph. The ship is expected to be equipped with an advanced missile system.
Images released by state media show Kim Jong-un inspecting the ship at a shipyard believed to be located in Namp'o on the country's west coast. Notably, an empty space has been created at the bow, reportedly intended to house vertical launch systems for cruise missiles.
According to analyst Joseph Dempsey of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, the ship is designed to enhance North Korea's conventional and nuclear capabilities. 'The ship may be a torpedo destroyer and the largest warship ever built in North Korea,' he confirmed to NK News in Seoul.
For comparison, South Korean and Japanese navies operate torpedo destroyers averaging around 150 meters in length.
The design is said to closely resemble Russian warships. North Korea and Russia, known to have close ties, recently signed a pact promising mutual military support. Kim has visited Russian naval bases in the past, expressing interest in strengthening his country's shipbuilding industry and naval capacities.
Experts question the utility of these large ships. In recent decades, most battleships and cruisers have vanished from the world's seas. According to analyst Dempsey, North Korea has little experience with such naval vessels, suggesting a focus on prestige and propaganda.

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