Japanese Town Hires Private Security to Handle Misbehaving Tourists

otaru, japan - Local authorities in Japan's Otaru resort to private security to manage unruly tourists, amidst concerns of overcrowding and safety hazards.
Increased Security Measures
In response to a recent fatal incident involving a Hong Kong tourist, Otaru has deployed security agents to enforce behavioral rules and deter trespassing on private properties. The move aims to address the growing issues of overcrowding and safety concerns caused by the influx of tourists.
Popularity vs. Overcrowding
The region's popularity, fueled by the filming location of 'Love Letter,' has attracted a surge in tourism. However, the excessive number of visitors has led to significant disturbances for the local residents. Last year, Otaru hosted a record number of international visitors, exacerbating the strain on the town's resources and infrastructure.
Controlling Tourism
Following a similar trend in Japan, destinations like Ginzan Onsen have begun restricting access to manage tourist numbers, especially during peak seasons. The town's picturesque landscapes and historical significance have drawn comparisons to renowned films, contributing to its appeal among travelers. Other iconic sites, such as Mount Fuji and Himeji Castle, are also considering raising entry fees to regulate visitor numbers.

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