Italy tightens measures against terrorism

Italy tightens measures against terrorism

World November 14, 2015 10:30

rome - The Italian government has measures against terrorism following the attacks in Paris tightened considerably. Include the number of police officers on the street that takes control, has increased significantly.

According to the Interior Ministry to include the airport, train stations, embassies, churches and important monuments permanently guarded. The monitoring of public places in other Italian cities has been tightened according to the department. Rome, however, because of the presence of the Vatican within its borders considered to be the place that the most at risk to be a target of an attack.

On December 8 pope calls Francis of the Holy Year, an ecclesial event that lures to November next year, thousands of the faithful to Rome. Premier Renzi and his interior minister Alfano Saturday still discussing what additional actions now, after the Paris attack, are needed.

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