• Penalty for Muslim agent who did not give a hand to a woman

    Penalty for Muslim agent who did not give a hand to a woman

    koblenz March 16, 2018 16:57 Hot Recent News

    An Islamic policeman who refused to give a hand to a female colleague in May 2017 must pay a fine of 1000 euro. The official made religious objections during his promotion party in the German town of Montabaur (Rhineland-Palatinate). According to the State Ministry of Justice, he accepted the congratulations of the woman by making a small bend with his hand on his heart.

  • Rhine close to highest point in Germany

    cologne January 8, 2018 17:48 Hot Recent News

    The Rhine has reached almost the highest level in a number of German cities. A water level of 8.77 meters was recorded in Cologne on Monday afternoon. The authorities in Domstad expect the level to rise a few centimeters and then go down.

  • Two arrests due to Rock am Ring

    Two arrests due to Rock am Ring

    nurburg June 3, 2017 10:15 Hot Recent News

    Two people were arrested in Koblenz in connection with the interruption of the German music festival 'Rock am Ring'. The transmitter ARD reported on Saturday that the arrestors had a staff card for the festival. And one of them would be the family of a terrorist suspicion who stuck.

  • Demonstrations by ENF Congress in Germany
    0 Comment 182

    Demonstrations by ENF Congress in Germany

    koblenz January 21, 2017 12:24 Hot Recent News

    Activists of civil rights movement Avaaz have campaigned Saturday at a meeting of populist European politicians in the German city of Koblenz. The protesters placed life-size portraits of well-known fascists such as Hitler and Mussolini.

  • Marine Le Pen sees 'end of world'

    Marine Le Pen sees 'end of world'

    koblenz January 21, 2017 12:09 Hot Recent News

    Marine Le Pen, the presidential candidate of the French National Front, the rise of right-wing parties in Europe sees as the response of citizens to the dictates of the liberal elite. After Brexit mood in Britain and the victory of Donald Trump in the presidential elections in the US in 2017 'the year of the awakening of the peoples of Central Europe.'

  • More German Jews killed in WWII

    More German Jews killed in WWII

    koblenz December 29, 2016 18:12 Hot Recent News

    There may be more German Jews in World War II killed than previously thought. Holocaust experts after further investigation concluded that 175 191 German Jews were deprived of life, for the most part in extermination camps. Scientists went so far out of 160,000 victims.

  • Erdogan dismissed on appeal comedian

    Erdogan dismissed on appeal comedian

    koblenz October 14, 2016 12:24 Hot Recent News

    Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has unsuccessfully appealed the decision of the Public Prosecutor in Mainz not to prosecute the TV comedian Jan Böhmermann for insulting a foreign head of state. The Attorney General of Rhineland-Palatinate, where the broadcaster ZDF is located, found the objection that Erdogan over his German lawyer against the decision made unfounded.

  • Drones from birds over German pool

    Drones from birds over German pool

    koblenz July 29, 2016 12:57 Hot Recent News

    The German city of Koblenz will deploy drones to combat nuisance birds at the municipal swimming pool. From Monday to fly to five times a day two drones over the bath to expel Nile geese and Canadian geese, said local authorities Friday.

  • Festival visitors flee storm

    stuttgart June 25, 2016 07:09 Hot Recent News

    Severe weather has the Southside Festival Friday visitors robberies in southwestern Germany. Tens of thousands of music fans were fleeing lightning and heavy rain. Twenty-five people walked several injuries and five ended up in hospital, police said.

  • Big festival stop put after storm
    0 Comment 113

    Big festival stop put after storm

    June 4, 2016 15:15 Hot Recent News

    The German festival Rock am Ring has been shut down Saturday. According to the organization is the impending storm near Koblenz too great a risk to safety. Friday 51 people were injured in a lightning strike. Fifteen festivalgoers are serious condition.

  • Lightning Striking festival again

    Lightning Striking festival again

    June 4, 2016 10:51 Hot Recent News

    The German festival Rock am Ring is Saturday still continuing. Friday became a lightning 51 people injured, of whom 15 seriously. Two people were resuscitated successfully. The festival was temporarily halted. For Saturday and Sunday re thunderstorms expected. On social media, photos and videos to see the storm yesterday.

  • Great action from hackers

    Great action from hackers

    koblenz April 6, 2016 16:21 Hot Recent News

    Throughout Germany performed a total of 175 searches of an international police action against hackers who are active worldwide. Also in Canada, France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands on Tuesday searches made in the context of this investigation, reported the German public prosecutor Wednesday from Koblenz.

  • More than a million refugees to Germany

    More than a million refugees to Germany

    koblenz December 3, 2015 15:00 Hot Recent News

    This year, Germany is attracting more than one million refugees. Then calculates the Conference of Interior Ministers of the German Länder.,null, We will before Christmas reach one million in Germany, '' said Roger Lewentz minister of Rhineland-Palatinate on Thursday. The German federal government is going into its official forecast of 800 000 asylum seekers throughout 2015.

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