Trump gives former chief of staff Libby pardon

US President Donald Trump has pardoned Lewis 'Scooter' Libby, the former chief of staff of former Vice President Dick Cheney.

This happened in a case involving the CIA agent Valerie Plame. The identity of this agent was- by the White House- leaked as revenge action for statements by her wife, the diplomat Joseph Wilson. In July 2003, he had swept the floor in the New York Times with the Bush administration's claim that the Iraqi dictator had wanted to buy Saddam Hussein uranium from African Niger to produce nuclear weapons.

Libby had, according to the court, hindered the investigation into the leakage of the name of Plame. No one has been charged with leaking the name- a criminal offense in the US.

In a statement from the White House, Trump says he does not know Libby. 'I have heard over the years that he has been treated very unfairly. Hopefully this complete grace will help him to leave this sad part of his life behind him. '

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