Priest attacked in church Sumatra

Church goers on Sunday in Medan on the Indonesian island of Sumatra which overpowered a man detonated a small bomb while on duty and a priest was attacked with a knife.

The police considers the incident in Catholic Saint Joseph Church as a terrorist act. The perpetrator was arrested. The police questioned was searched him about his motives and his house.

Witnesses said the man between other worshipers sat when suddenly a bang came out of his backpack. Although he thereby was lightly wounded, he pulled a knife and ran to the priest. Church-goers were able to overpower him before he could harm the priest.
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Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. The majority hangs a moderate form of Islam, but fundamentalism has grown in recent years, partly inspired by militant Islamist groups like al Qaeda and Islamic State.

In July, killed two supporters of IS a priest in a church in France.