Demand Cabinet is in action

If the formation takes too long, the delegation cabinet will still be able to make decisions about policies that have actually been transferred to a new coalition.

That said Minister of Defense Kamp (Economic Affairs) on Friday after the end of the Council of Ministers. He points out that, although the decision-making cabinet now resides in almost all areas of decision-making, it will be another story, if the formation lasts six or maybe even nine months later. 'There you can not go on for too long. '

What the files are on which buttons will be cut, he could not say yet. 'We are now thinking about it. 'However, he does not say' spectacular things '. Also serious load lights remain on a next cabinet. However, when preparing the next year's budget, buy-back will take place where necessary.

Minister Asscher (Social Affairs) mentioned military missions as one of the dossiers on which further thought is being taken.