Death toll rises after party Oakland

Are from the smoldering remains of a converted warehouse in the US Oakland (California) continue to be taken from the victims bodies.

A spokesman for the fire department hurried the deadliest fire in the history of Oakland. According to the Los Angeles Times rescuers need two days searching the property.

The party was held in a former warehouse where among others were made in homes with ateliers for artists. In the building was no sprinkler system and the fire department suspects that there is no smoke alarms have gone off to warn the partygoers.

Due to the fire the roof collapsed. That was on the second floor of the building. According to local journalists were there at that time sixty to seventy people in the building.

The fire department has no idea what caused the fire, but does not think the fire is kindled. The local authorities made it known that searches are becoming part of the crisis team. Al does not mean that officially launched a criminal investigation.