British agent prevents the overturned truck from falling into abyss

The English agent Martin Willis has personally ensured that a crashed van has not fallen from a viaduct.

Martin arrived Friday morning as first of the emergency services in a crashed van. The vehicle was hit by the smoothness of the road and slid against the crash barrier. When the agent arrived, the wreck was terribly balancing on the rail.

The driver was still in the truck at that moment. Because of the accident, he was stuck in the cabin, entangled in his belt. Because the car dangerously moved back and forth by the wind, the policeman decided to hang on the wheel. 'When I arrived, I saw a vehicle dangling on the edge, and after holding the car I was very relieved when the other emergency services arrived,' Willis writes on Twitter.

According to British Media, the driver was transferred to the hospital with minor injuries. England has had a new hero since Friday.