Belgian police fears semi-final World Cup

The Belgian police are very concerned about the workload when the national football team, the Red Devils, goes through to the semi-finals at the World Cup.

An additional problem of the NATO summit is that protests are expected on 11 July. The American president Trump is also there, along with 28 other heads of state and government leaders who need to be protected. One 'top day' of NATO requires the deployment of 2000 police officers.

'We are not actually ready for such a day,' said a spokesperson for a police union against Het Laatste Nieuws. A spokesperson for the Minister of the Interior Jambon called the approaching day in July 'an exercise without equal, one of the most complex (days) ever. 'The police fears that the semi-finals will bring up crowds, who will watch the game outside and possibly celebrate the result on the street.

The eleventh July may be less severe for the police if the Red Devils win England on Thursday (June 28). Then the Belgians play after the quarterfinals, which they have to win, the semi-finals on 10 July.

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