Advance Trump is bad for expats

High voltage and disgust because from Donald Trump emerging profit vying for primacy among those present at the Scheveningen Kurhaus.

Agape watching the American expats and Dutch interested to hanging around television screens. Meanwhile, they eat a copious breakfast, donuts until omelette.

The possibility that Trump is chosen, says Dutch lawyer Marc van Wijngaarden, who works at Bird and Bird 'That a country developed economically and politically as possible so chooses someone. Unbelievable. '

Gary Fishbein, psychologist among the many American expats, says his heart is breaking as Trump wins. 'I do not know what America will look like when I return. '' If the Republican wins businessman expects Fischbein 'division and hatred. '

Minerva, adorned with Uncle Sam hat, the results keep detailed in. She democrat and shows a picture of the American flag waving upside down, see. 'America panicked,' she says.