20 colleagues are millionaires

Twenty colleagues from the company's North American Stamping become the American Lafayette millionaire.

Amy O'Neal, who years ago was once started with the group participating in the lottery, was Sunday morning making coffee when her son on TV saw the winning ticket was bought in her village Lafayette. 'I had to look again because I thought I was dreaming,' she tells CNN. 'My husband had to look and then I had to look again. '

When it turned out to be really the winning ticket, Amy decided to call all her colleagues. The twenty people gathered at her house where they decided to divide the prize. Eventually they got paid 254.7 million dollars, more than 12 million a colleague so.

Does anyone know if they are going to do with the money. Carmen Davis is going to buy a car for her mother so that she can easily drive to chemotherapy. Billy Taylor's four children to support financially.

Kevin Southerland does not yet know what he will do, but he remains in any case to work at North American Stamping. 'I've worked for thirteen years. It's a great company. They are good to me. '