US Judge Rules Elephant is Not a Person

denver - A US judge rules that an elephant is not a person, denying rights claimed by the Nonhuman Rights Project.
US Judge Rules Elephant is Not a Person
A US judge has ruled that elephants housed at Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, including Jambo, Kimba, Missy, LouLou, and Lucky, are not entitled to habeas corpus protection, despite claims of trauma and chronic stress by the Nonhuman Rights Project (NRP). The NRP argued that the elephants have suffered due to being 'imprisoned,' citing the legal principle that an individual can only be detained if ordered by a judge. However, the court concluded that habeas corpus does not apply to non-human animals, regardless of their cognitive or social development, stating that 'an elephant is not a person.' The NRP plans to challenge this decision, expressing determination to fight for the rights of non-human animals and push for legal changes through the legislative process.

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