Popular Squirrel Peanut Seized by Animal Protection after Instagram Videos

new york - A squirrel named Peanut, popular on social media with over half a million followers, has been seized by animal protection in New York, causing distress to its owner.
The squirrel, named Peanut, was found by Mark Longo after a car accident where Peanut's mother died. Longo took care of the squirrel and created an Instagram account which quickly gained many likes. However, animal protection authorities have taken Peanut from Longo, much to his dismay.
Peanut, adopted by Longo seven years ago, has become very popular on social media with over half a million followers, attracting the attention of environmental protection in New York. The authorities seized Peanut this week, calling him 'illegal', leaving Longo devastated. 'I don't even know where he is,' said the shocked owner to American media.
Longo took Peanut in seven years ago after witnessing the mother squirrel being hit by a car in New York City. He cared for the squirrel for eight months with the intention of releasing him back into the wild once he was strong enough. However, Peanut seemed uninterested in leaving and got injured quickly when he tried to venture out. Peanut willingly returned to Longo's home, missing half of his tail with the bone sticking out.
Due to his 'upbringing', Longo suspected that Peanut lacked the necessary skills to survive in the wild, so he kept the squirrel as a pet, despite it being illegal. Multiple reports were made to the authorities about them. The animal protection came on Wednesday and took Peanut away. 'To the people who called: there's a special place in hell for you,' Longo responded. 'Peanut has been my best friend for the past seven years.'
'They came to my house without a warrant looking for a squirrel,' said Longo. 'I was treated as if I were a drug dealer and they were searching for drugs and weapons.' He hopes that Peanut is treated well and fears that they might euthanize the squirrel. Longo has started a petition and fundraising campaign on Instagram to get Peanut back, even if it means taking legal action.

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