Mexican Drug Cartels Order Attacks on US Border Patrol Agents

mexico city - Mexican drug cartels instruct members to launch attacks on US border patrol agents using kamikaze drones and social media tactics.
Mexican Drug Cartels Target US Border Patrol
Mexican drug cartels have ordered their members to carry out attacks on US border patrol agents. A memo warns agents to remain vigilant for potential attacks, including the use of kamikaze drones armed with explosives more commonly seen in war zones. The cartels have also advised illegal migrants on TikTok to contaminate border patrol agents' food and drinks and even target them for assassination.
The threat from the cartels comes amid President Trump's crackdown on illegal migration at the Mexico border. Trump recently deployed thousands of troops to secure the border, aiming to reduce the flow of illegal migrants into the United States, much to the cartels' dismay. The increased US presence at the border poses a significant threat to the cartels' drug and human trafficking operations.

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