Mass Desertion Problem Persists in Ukraine as Men Flee Dressed as Women

ukraine - President Volodymyr Zelensky struggles to address the mobilization issues in Ukraine as mass desertions continue to be a major challenge.
Ukraine is facing a significant challenge with mass desertions as hundreds of conscripted men are fleeing the country disguised as women to evade border controls. President Volodymyr Zelensky is exerting considerable effort to tackle the issue, but a viable solution seems elusive for now.
In a recent crackdown, Ukrainian police conducted over six hundred searches, resulting in sixty charges against individuals involved in illegal smuggling operations. Smugglers were providing deserters with false medical and travel documents for prices ranging from 5000 to 20,000 euros.
Various methods, including routes through forests, waterways, or concealed in car trunks, were used by smugglers to help deserters bypass border controls. Some even resorted to disguising themselves in women's clothing to avoid detection as men. Those apprehended face the prospect of lengthy prison sentences.
The 'Anne of Kyiv' Ukrainian brigade, trained in France, has been grappling with significant desertions. Hundreds of soldiers from this brigade have fled or failed to attend training sessions, raising concerns about its effectiveness.
Desertion has become an increasingly pressing issue for President Zelensky, with hundreds of thousands of men leaving Ukraine since the Russian invasion in February 2022, despite a ban on such actions for Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60. As the Russian military advances slowly in eastern Ukraine, Zelensky is in dire need of every conscripted individual's support.
Over the past year, Ukraine has implemented several measures to bolster mobilization efforts, such as lowering the minimum age for forced recruitment from 27 to 25. However, the impact of these measures has been limited so far, eliciting concerns from military personnel on the frontlines about the urgent need for reinforcements.
One soldier, Oleksandr, empathizes with deserters despite the challenges faced in the military, stating that he does not blame those who choose to leave. The proposal to further reduce conscription age to 18 has been put forth by Washington, but Zelensky remains hesitant. Former US military officer Ben Hodges emphasizes the importance of involving women in the military and winning the trust of Ukrainian families to enhance recruitment.
Russian armed forces also grapple with desertion issues, with thousands of cases of draft evasion brought before Russian courts. The outcomes rarely result in acquittals, and convicted individuals often face lengthy sentences in penal colonies.

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