Italian General Shocks Heirs After Death: 'Thousands Wasted on Striptease Dancers'

rome, italy - Italian top general Mario Buscemi leaves all his money to striptease dancers after his death, shocking his heirs.
General Mario Buscemi, who was a key military advisor to Palazzo Chigi in the 1990s, became depressed after his retirement.
However, in 2016, he discovered a nightclub in the center of Rome, near the Colosseum, where he felt alive again.
The generous general quickly became the center of attention of the dancers working there, as he showered them with large tips.
Buscemi became a regular at the club, where he generously gave his phone number to the young women, who eagerly took advantage of it.
Over the years, Buscemi received messages from a total of eight women asking for money, to which he never refused.
One dancer even convinced him to send money to her grandmother in Romania, claiming the grandmother needed it urgently.
Another woman purchased a house with the money she received from Buscemi, while others settled for luxury items like Chanel bags and jewelry.
After his death, Buscemi's children discovered the truth about their father's spending habits by reading the WhatsApp messages he had not deleted.
The heirs have hired lawyers to investigate the general's mental capacity at the time of giving away his money, and legal action is being taken against the women involved.

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