Five Warning Signs Beyond Memory Loss That Indicate You Could Develop Dementia

- Discover five warning signs that suggest possible dementia development beyond memory loss.
Financial Management
Difficulty managing money, forgetting to pay bills, and losing track of finances could be an early sign of dementia. Experts highlight the importance of a clear mind for a healthy financial household.
Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD)
Individuals with FTD may exhibit impulsive behavior like making large purchases or trusting unworthy sources, indicating vulnerability to exploitation.
Sleep Patterns
Changes in sleep habits, such as early waking or excessive daytime sleepiness, might hint at early-stage Alzheimer's affecting the brainstem controlling sleep cycles.
Behavioral Changes
Gradual shifts in behavior towards introversion, unkindness, and decreased social connections can precede cognitive decline, notably in cases where forgetfulness intensifies.
Driving Abilities
Deteriorating driving skills, such as increased accidents or erratic maneuvers, could be an early dementia warning backed by studies indicating potential cognitive impairment.
Sense of Smell
Loss of smell, even decades before cognitive decline sets in, could be an early indicator of dementia, affecting your olfactory system. While other factors may cause this, specialists highlight smell loss as a potential predictor of dementia.
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