Brain Surgeon Saves 6 Houses from Fire in US

los angeles, california, usa - Read the incredible story of 62-year-old brain surgeon Chester Griffiths, who saved 6 houses on a dead-end street from the ongoing wildfires in Los Angeles.
A 62-year-old brain surgeon, Chester Griffiths, fought the flames for four days and five nights, saving 6 houses on a dead-end street from being engulfed in wildfires in Los Angeles, California.
The ongoing wildfires that started on January 7th in Los Angeles, California have taken a toll on the region, claiming 24 lives and displacing approximately 150,000 people.
Chester Griffiths, a successful brain surgeon, immediately sprang into action after completing a brain surgery on the day the fires began in Malibu. He had been preparing for such a scenario for years, having acquired firefighting equipment and informed his son and next-door neighbor about possible interventions.
Griffiths, along with his son and neighbor, bravely faced the worst wildfire in the city's history, managing to protect six houses in the dead-end street while the surrounding homes turned to ashes and rubble.
The trio armed with N95 face masks, firefighting hoses, and shovels successfully kept the flames at bay for four days and five nights, even as hurricane-level winds rained ember-size ash down on them.
Clayton Colbert, a neighbor of Griffiths, recounted the terrifying events, saying, 'At one point, I started packing my car, and then I decided I wouldn't let my house burn no matter what.' As the fire rapidly approached from the west, engulfing two wooden houses of other neighbors within 20 minutes, Griffiths' house two doors down exploded like fireworks.
The men, despite the challenging conditions with winds blowing at 80 miles per hour, jumped onto nearby roofs to try and douse the flames. They also used soil and sand to extinguish the ground fires. Despite being repeatedly knocked down by the wind, they continued to defend their homes.
Griffiths' 24-year-old son expressed that his father's leadership was crucial in their successful defense against the fire, stating, 'To be honest, all of this was under my father's leadership. He had been preparing for this for a long time. He has a warrior spirit.'
Besides battling the flames, they also had to fend off looters attempting to ransack the burnt homes, adding another layer of danger to their already intense ordeal.
Clayton Colbert, who fought alone for 10 hours before receiving help from Griffiths and his son, highlighted the physical toll of the situation, saying, 'Every bone in my body hurts.' Despite the exhaustion, Colbert remained vigilant, not only combating the fires but also chasing away looters.

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