Americans fear Russian sea- attack

Americans fear Russian sea- attack

October 26, 2015 15:04

- The United States is concerned about Russian activities in the vicinity of major internet cables on the seabed. According to New York Times Washington holds even consider a physical cyberattack ' in times of crisis.

The newspaper based on sources within the US defense that operate quite some Russian submarines and spy boats near major fiber optic cables and that the Americans are not at ease there. " I worry every day about the plans of Russia ", said Admiral Frederick J. Roegge in the newspaper. Colleagues Roegge confirm that the fear exists, but more than that they do not want lose.

A European diplomat said that comparing the Russian activity is what happened in the Cold War. Incidentally, it often happens that break big internet cables. Usually dragging anchors the culprit. The difference now, according to insiders that accidents often happen a few miles from the coast while the Russians focus on internet cables are much deeper and are more difficult to monitor.

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