• Hawking's last theory: universe is finite

    Hawking's last theory: universe is finite

    cambridge May 2, 2018 15:30 Hot Recent News

    Physicist Stephen Hawking wrote a scientific article just before his death. That is now posthumously published in the journal Journal of High Energy Physics. The article was approved for publication shortly before his death. Hawking died on March 14 at the age of 76.

  • Police looking for 'Kevin De Bruyne'

    Police looking for 'Kevin De Bruyne'

    leuven March 28, 2018 15:00 Hot Recent News

    Kevin De Bruyne has the police behind him. At least, the lookalike of the Belgian international. The Leuven police are looking for the duplicate of Manchester City's football player, because on 16 March he would have been involved in a bicycle accident in the same city.

  • 'Do not take a drink from unknown'

    'Do not take a drink from unknown'

    leuven March 19, 2018 17:27 Hot Recent News

    You do not smell it, you do not see it and especially you do not taste it. That makes it so dangerous. A pill of Rohypnol or a few milliliters of GHB in your drink will be enough to be out of the world for hours.

  • Patient left in Belgian ambulance

    Patient left in Belgian ambulance

    latem February 11, 2018 19:06 Hot Recent News

    An ambulance driver has left a patient in Belgium in his ambulance. The man had fled in panic because of a collision, the television channel VTM reported on Sunday. The police picked it up later.

  • Separatist leader Catalonia gives it up

    Separatist leader Catalonia gives it up

    madrid/leuven January 31, 2018 11:45 Hot Recent News

    The Catalan ex-prime minister and foreman of separatists in the region, Carles Puigdemont, seems to be tired of his political role. Spanish media spread on Wednesday a sort of farewell message that Puigdemont would have sent to party and ex-minister Antoni Comín: 'It's over, we've sacrificed ourselves, the Moncloa has triumphed.'

  • Victim 'Big breast survey': 'Then you feel fooled'

    leuven January 3, 2018 19:18 Hot Recent News

    A Belgian person in his twenties who turned out to be a research student at the KU Leuven has, with a false survey, extracted at least 26 young women from all kinds of sexual confessions. VTM NEWS reports that. Two underage girls also passed intimate images. One of the victims anonymously tells her story to VTM News. 'Then you feel a bit fooled.'

  • Research: tumor is growing by sugar

    leuven October 18, 2017 09:45 Hot Recent News

    A large Flemish research team has been working for nine years on a study with remarkable results: sugar causes tumors to grow and aggravates cancer. 'A sugar-free diet is for a cancer patient, therefore no unnecessary luxury,' says Professor Johan Thevelein in Het Nieuwsblad.

  • University of Leuven deleted name Suu Kyi

    University of Leuven deleted name Suu Kyi

    leuven October 14, 2017 06:06 Hot Recent News

    The Catholic University of Leuven has removed the name of Myanmar government leader Aung San Suu Kyi from a chair. According to the Belgian newspaper Le Soir, the founders of the chair find that the Nobel laureate winner is no longer a positive example because she does not express enough views on the Rohingya crisis. In the meantime, more than half a million people from the Islamic minority group have been killed for the violence of the government army.

  • Lift girls end in heavy accident

    Lift girls end in heavy accident

    others August 22, 2017 14:45 Hot Recent News

    In Ostend on Tuesday, three passengers were sent to hospital on a Tuesday after their car crashed after a flight for alcohol control. Among the victims are two girls from Leuven who were picked up for that while lifting. They had missed their last tram.

  • Belgian surgeon acquits murder 14-year-old daughter
    0 Comment 301

    Belgian surgeon acquits murder 14-year-old daughter

    leuven July 28, 2017 11:30 Hot Recent News

    The 49-year-old both surgeons Mehrnaz D. of Leuven, has known her daughter (14) Eline to have killed. That reports Belgian media. How Eline has just been killed is not yet clear. The friend Mehrnaz D. Wednesday afternoon found her lifeless body in the apartment of the woman in Leuven and called the police.

  • Gamende father strangles baby

    Gamende father strangles baby

    leuven April 13, 2017 12:36 Hot Recent News

    A 37-year old Belgian cell must because his five-month old baby was strangled because they cried when he was gaming. Only thanks to the quick actions of the doctor the baby survived.

  • Arrests in action against Belgium Satudarah
    0 Comment 339

    Arrests in action against Belgium Satudarah

    leuven March 30, 2017 12:45 Hot Recent News

    In an action against motorcycle Satudarah in Belgium, police arrested seven suspects. Six homes and two clubhouses were searched this week, where a counterfeit Kalashnikov, balaclavas, masks, thirty melee weapons, knives, pepper spray, body armor and a half kilos of cannabis were seized.

  • 'Moon and Earth will eventually collide '

    'Moon and Earth will eventually collide '

    amsterdam February 8, 2017 15:03 Hot Recent News

    The distance between the moon and the Earth is at present annually by 3.8 centimeters, but there goes according to experts to change in the future. And that will be associated with catastrophic consequences. That report American media.

  • Merkel receives honorary doctorate in Brussels

    Merkel receives honorary doctorate in Brussels

    brussels January 12, 2017 16:15 Hot Recent News

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday in Brussels, gown, received an honorary doctorate from the University of Ghent and Leuven. She receives an honorary doctorate for 'its diplomatic and political efforts to build the political strength of Europe and to defend the values ​​that enable our continent to still find unity in diversity.'

  • Belgian lawsuit against PKK goes out

    Belgian lawsuit against PKK goes out

    brussels November 3, 2016 12:00 Hot Recent News

    A major lawsuit in Belgium against members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party PKK seems to be shelved. The court on Thursday all defendants for trial in Brussels. The Public Prosecutor may still appeal this decision.

  • 'Smuggling Gang rolled in Belgium'

    'Smuggling Gang rolled in Belgium'

    September 20, 2016 11:48 Hot Recent News

    "The Belgian authorities have broken up a smuggling organization that brought summer Iraqis to Belgium from last year to seek asylum. In raids in Brussels, Leuven and Verviers were arrested two weeks ago ten suspects. Four of them are still in prison, federal police said Tuesday."

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