• Protests in Uganda after stopping pop star Bobi Wine

    Protests in Uganda after stopping pop star Bobi Wine

    kampala August 31, 2018 12:48 Hot Recent News

    In Uganda, protests broke out on Friday after parliamentarian and pop star Bobi Wine was stopped at the airport. Wine, whose real name is Robert Kyagulanyi, and another opposition member wanted to be treated medically abroad. They would have been tortured when they were in detention.

  • Marburg virus picks up in Uganda

    kampala October 19, 2017 14:21 Hot Recent News

    In the east of Uganda, a fifty-year-old woman passed away from the dangerous marburg virus. Ten employees who took care of her at a hospital in Kapchorwa near the border with Kenya were placed under quarantine, said Health Minister Jane Aceng.

  • Fights in parliament of Uganda
    0 Comment 136

    Fights in parliament of Uganda

    kampala September 26, 2017 15:48 Hot Recent News

    In Uganda's parliament, fiery fighting was broken and tampered with chairs before a debate on whether President Yoweri Museveni has to get a new deadline. Fights both government and opposition members took part in the fighting.

  • Peacekeepers killed by al-Shabaab

    Peacekeepers killed by al-Shabaab

    kampala July 31, 2017 13:30 Hot Recent News

    By attacking the terrorist militia al-Shabaab on peacekeepers of the African Union (AU) in Somalia, twelve Ugandan soldiers have been killed. Seven soldiers were also injured, the Ugandan Ministry of Defense said Monday.

  • Search for Kony is scaled

    Search for Kony is scaled

    kampala April 19, 2017 14:39 Hot Recent News

    Uganda began withdrawing troops from the Central African Republic. The soldiers were there to hunt warlord Joseph Kony, which is still on the run. However, the mission of the troops is completed, the Ugandan army said on Wednesday.

  • Killed in fighting Ugandan kingdom

    Killed in fighting Ugandan kingdom

    kampala November 27, 2016 14:30 Hot Recent News

    Fighting between security forces and separatist fighters this weekend in western Uganda have fallen 55 deaths. A police spokesman in the region said that fourteen officers and 41 members of a militia in the city of Kasese Saturday were killed. Kasese is located about 250 kilometers west of the capital Kampala.

  • Lifetime 'football attack' Kampala

    Lifetime 'football attack' Kampala

    kampala May 27, 2016 15:12 Hot Recent News

    Five men were sentenced Friday by a court in Uganda to life imprisonment for the bloody bombings of soccer fans in Kampala in 2010, which killed 76 people. According among the convicts the mastermind behind the attack, which was claimed by terrorist group al-Shabaab.

  • Opposition leader accused Uganda

    Opposition leader accused Uganda

    kampala May 17, 2016 05:39 Hot Recent News

    Ugandan opposition leader Kizza Besigye has been indicted for treason because he disputed election victory of President Yoweri Museveni and himself as 'alternative president' has declared. That said, a government spokesman Saturday.

  • Search for missing Sophia in rapids

    Search for missing Sophia in rapids

    kampala May 3, 2016 17:42 Hot Recent News

    The forensic team that traveled to Uganda last week to find the missing Sophia Koetsier, after a few days stoppage yet been launched. An anonymous benefactor from the African country guarantees the costs and their safety.

  • Uganda presidential battle results to

    Uganda presidential battle results to

    kampala March 1, 2016 20:07 Hot Recent News

    One of the candidates against the previous month reelected Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is fighting the election on. Museveni won thanks to widespread irregularities, says former Prime Minister Amama Mbabazi. He has asked the Supreme Court to annul the results.

  • Pope will first visit to Africa

    Pope will first visit to Africa

    November 24, 2015 15:30 Hot Recent News

    Pope Francis fly Wednesday to Africa, where he touches three countries over six days. During his first visit to the African continent, he is a guest in Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic. The trip will focus on two things: faith and the extensive security measures.

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