Dealer (19) takes eleven bags of cocaine to question

The 19-year-old Quincy S.

As a minor, S. G. was detained several times in institutions for various offenses, from car theft to dealing. One time, in September 2016, he and two companions seized an educator from community institution De Hutten in Mol to escape. He did not register with the police until after his eighteenth birthday, as a result of which the youth judge could no longer send him back to the institution. This reports Gazet van Antwerpen.

S. G. then started a trade in cocaine and cannabis and apparently did not worry too much about the chance of being caught. In January 2017, he entered a police station for questioning in another case. He was searched and found eleven bags of cocaine with him. Standing in front of the police station was his Vespa, in which the police found a hundred grams of cannabis and several hundred euros of cash. The drug trade eventually delivers him eighteen months in prison and eight thousand euros in fine.

The suspect was not present during his trial, he was convicted in absentia. The young man is in the meantime in prison because he was in a control in the Belgian Limburg turned around to drive with a loaded, ready-to-shoot Kalashnikov in the back seat. 'To rob a gambling office', his passenger George O. explained to the investigators. That statement is now being examined.