Wrong! Do you pay attention during the explanation?

Wrong! Do you pay attention during the explanation?

World April 17, 2018 23:30

philadelphia - Looking back at the crash of the American Boeing 737, various things remain. America mourns a fatal victim, shouts at the same time for the fabulous action of pilots, and is secretly ashamed of the awkward handling of oxygen masks: almost everyone was wrong.

A plane from Southwest Airlines made an emergency landing in Philadelphia on Thursday, after one of the engines had exploded at high altitudes. Passengers heard a loud 'bang'. Then ring. The window next to the engine in question had jumped. A woman next to it was seriously injured.

She was 'sucked out' by the pressure difference, so passengers explained shocked. Her blood was 'everywhere', someone said to CBS. Co-passengers held it firmly until the landing. Then she was taken to the hospital.

Authorities have stated that one woman has died- presumably the woman in question, although this has not been confirmed. Seven others were slightly injured. That the damage is 'limited' is a small miracle. When the plane landed safely, a great applause for the pilots also rose.

Furthermore, the images of Marty Martinez remain. He started a Facebook Live video during the emergency landing, and also filmed and photographed fellow passengers with oxygen masks.

'What a good time to take pictures, in an emergency situation', someone responded. Others focus on the oxygen masks. It is clear to see how many people do cover their mouths, but not the nose.

'People, please take care if the flight attendants do the safety explanation. That is for your own safety! You only have a certain 'time of clarity' and then you lose consciousness, 'says Lisa Marie Friedhoff, herself stewardess, on Facebook. She receives support from numerous responders.

'We explain it 10 times a day', a steward sighs in the reactions. 'That nobody follows these instructions is clear,' someone else writes, after which a discussion about the safety instructions starts.

Many people will also recognize themselves in the passengers. During the instructional videos, many people are already sleeping quietly. Because when does something happen now? So stupid. 'This proves that those instructions are not a joke. '

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