Trump cuts into Utah natural parks

World December 5, 2017 06:09

salt lake city - US President Donald Trump announced on Monday that he is rigorously cutting across two vast national nature reserves in Utah to stimulate development in that state. He thereby chased the original inhabitants and environmentalists against him. These called the plan an unprecedented attack on crucial landscape protection.

Trump's announcement, which means the largest reduction of natural monuments in American history, does not come out of the blue. In April he ordered Interior Affairs to find out which of the 27 national parks designated by previous Presidents could be canceled or reduced. That would give local authorities more control over the area and raw materials.

'Some people think that Utah's natural springs must be managed by a handful of bureaucrats far away in Washington. Guess what? They are wrong, 'Trump said in Salt Lake City. In Utah, 5000 square kilometers will receive a different zoning plan. 'Bears Ears', declared a protected area by Barack Obama in 2016, accounts for 85 percent of its area. 'Grand Staircase-Escalante', brainchild of Bill Clinton, is halved.

A few hours after Trump had spoken, ten environmental organizations filed a complaint with the federal court in Washington. They think that Trump is going outside his authority. Presidents may, of course, designate natural monuments, but this decision can not simply be reversed, is the defense.

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