Florists have been painting graves for months

Florists have been painting graves for months

World May 2, 2017 11:06

- The owner of a flower shop in the New Jersey state has stolen flowers and other objects from a cemetery for months. The camera was a 59-year-old woman against the lamp.

The police had suspended security cameras at the First Reformed Church Cemetery in Riverdale after two plants were stolen at a mausoleum. The replacement plants were stolen two days later.

The pictures showed how a woman in a van to take the plants. Agents recognized the woman as a former police officer who now has her own flower shop.

The 59-year-old Lynda Wingate was arrested. The florist said she had taken old flowers of graves from people who knew them and that she was cleaning the graves. According to the police, this is really not the case and she has been blaming flowers for months.

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