Case against oil companies to reject climate

Case against oil companies to reject climate

World June 26, 2018 07:48

san francisco - A federal court in California rejected a case filed by the cities of Oakland and San Francisco against major oil and gas companies such as Shell, ExxonMobil and BP on climate change. According to the judge, the problem is too broad to be decided in court.

The cities had brought the companies, including Chevron and ConocoPhillips, to court last year. They believe that they have to pay for flood defenses that are needed to protect cities from flooding as a result of rising sea levels. The companies would largely be responsible for climate change because they invested continuously in fossil fuels in recent years. The energy giants would have known in advance of the dangers and risks, but did not do anything to curb production or curb the consumption of fossil fuels.

The judge indicated that this issue involved domestic and foreign policy decisions that were beyond the control of the court. However, the judge acknowledged that the complaints are real and worldwide.

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