British fox hunting remains forbidden

World January 7, 2018 11:33

london - The fox hunting in England and Wales, a noble tradition, remains forbidden. Prime Minister Theresa May had promised in the run-up to the elections last year that the parliament would vote on a repeal of the ban, but that will not happen. May suffered a painful defeat at the ballot box. 'A clear message,' said May Sunday to the BBC.

Former Prime Minister Blair forbade the hunting of foxes in 2004. David Cameron had also served as prime minister with the permission of the hunt, but that was never the case.

May also took on the BBC for US President Donald Trump. 'When I contact President Trump, I see someone who wants to make sure he makes decisions that are in the interests of the United States,' said May. She responded to the much-sold book Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff. It states that Trump is not suitable to be president. Trump himself responded Saturday by calling himself a 'very stable genius'.

A visit from Trump to Britain just continues, May said. However, she did not give details. There is a lot to do about the visit. Among others, the mayor of London is fiercely against the arrival of Trump.

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