• From Hollywood to Hitman

    From Hollywood to Hitman

    November 1, 2018 21:16 Hot Recent News

    Kiefer Sutherland, Sean Bean, Gary Oldman and Samuel L Jackson. All names that many people have seen on the white screen in one or more films. These gentlemen have another agreement and that is that they have given their voice to a character in a video game.

  • 'Die Mannschaft ist raus!'

    'Die Mannschaft ist raus!'

    munich June 27, 2018 17:54 Hot Recent News

    'Oh nein!' Sounds baffled after the German elimination. 'Die Mannschaft ist raus!' Says the commentator full of horror. All those present in the beer cellar Franziskaner in Munich collectively put their hands in the face.

  • Trump top advisor gets a heart attack

    Trump top advisor gets a heart attack

    washington June 12, 2018 05:45 Hot Recent News

    Larry Kudlow, the White House's top economic adviser, has had a heart attack. That tweeted President Donald Trump from Singapore. He had just arrived there for his meeting with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

  • Kudlow new economic adviser to Trump

    Kudlow new economic adviser to Trump

    washington March 14, 2018 18:24 Hot Recent News

    US President Donald Trump has chosen TV commentator and economic analyst Larry Kudlow as the new economic top advisor to the White House, US media reported Wednesday. Kudlow replaces the recently rescued Gary Cohn.

  • Blood bath in nightclub USA

    gary November 12, 2017 21:06 Hot Recent News

    In a nightclub in the city of Gary in the state of Indiana, seven people were shot dead on Saturday night on Sunday. An eighth person managed to escape the shooting but hit his flight, the Chicago Tribune writes on his website.

  • BBC announces top income

    BBC announces top income

    london July 18, 2017 17:39 Hot Recent News

    The talk show host Graham Norton and nature lover David Attenborough are- officially- officials, but they earn significantly more than BBC Presidents, say Prime Minister Theresa May.

  • The biggest exam ever
    0 Comment 210

    The biggest exam ever

    June 3, 2017 15:48 Hot Recent News

    While everyone is on the terrace or beach, Saturday after 190,000 financial specialists do year-end examinations. With the CFA paper they get access to the top of Wall Street, City and Zuidas.

  • Teenage girl dies after drinking caffeine

    Teenage girl dies after drinking caffeine

    richland May 16, 2017 08:33 Hot Recent News

    An American teen who hit three drinks with a lot of caffeine within two hours has died. At the autopsy it turned out that his heart has succumbed to the large amount of caffeine in a short period of time. The boy had no known heart problem.

  • PETA accuses Hollywood animals supplier

    PETA accuses Hollywood animals supplier

    amsterdam January 12, 2017 16:48 Hot Recent News

    The animal rights organization PETA accuses use producers of movies and TV shows in the United States in animals strongly neglected. The finger of blame points to Gary Gero's Birds \u0026 Animals Unlimited (BAU), a company that supplied the animals for hundreds of productions.

  • PETA slams Hollywood

    PETA slams Hollywood

    amsterdam January 12, 2017 16:45 Hot Recent News

    The animal rights organization PETA accuses use producers of movies and TV shows in the United States in animals strongly neglected. The finger of blame points to Gary Gero's Birds \u0026 Animals Unlimited (BAU), a company that supplied the animals for hundreds of productions.

  • Cash found loot remains traceless

    Cash found loot remains traceless

    paris January 10, 2017 17:00 Hot Recent News

    Searches at the seventeen people were arrested Monday in connection with the raid on Kim Kardashian, have yielded interesting information: at one of the detainees was found a sum of 300,000 euros in cash.

  • 'The first village was Clinton '

    'The first village was Clinton '

    November 8, 2016 05:54 Hot Recent News

    Election Day in the United States has started well for Democrats Hillary Clinton. They may themselves according to US media as the winner in the village of Dixville Notch (New Hampshire), which first announced the results.

  • Polls: Clinton maintained ahead

    Polls: Clinton maintained ahead

    November 7, 2016 13:33 Hot Recent News

    Hillary Clinton gets in a poll published Monday by ABC News and the Washington Post the support of 47 percent of respondents. Her rival Donald Trump gets 43 percent. In a poll of Bloomberg Politics Selzer \u0026 Company, the Democratic presidential candidate Monday also in the lead, with three points ahead of the controversial Republican candidate Trump.

  • US media see crack in relation Trump and Pennies

    US media see crack in relation Trump and Pennies

    October 10, 2016 10:00 Hot Recent News

    Various media in the United States report a break in the relationship between Donald Trump and his proposed vice president Mike Pence. The relationship between the Republican candidate for the White House and his running mate is already under pressure since a recording of trumps sexism doing the rounds.

  • Governor pulls support for Trump

    Governor pulls support for Trump

    October 8, 2016 07:33 Hot Recent News

    A leaked video in which Donald Trump on vulgar fashion outlet on women has cost him the support of a prominent supporter. Governor Gary Herbert of Utah, according to US media no longer to vote intend to Trump because of his 'disgusting' remarks.

  • Clinton and Trump neck-and-neck

    Clinton and Trump neck-and-neck

    September 25, 2016 13:00 Hot Recent News

    On the eve of their first televised debate lie Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump neck-and-neck in the polls before the election for the presidency. Clinton knows 46 percent of Americans behind, Trump can count on 44 percent.

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