• 'Russian' Rio gunman had false papers

    'Russian' Rio gunman had false papers

    August 5, 2016 14:12 Hot Recent News

    The mystery of the alleged involvement of the Russian vice consul at the shooting of a robber near the Olympic Park in Rio de Janeiro seems to be solved. The man, who wrest the gun from his attacker knew Thursday and then shot him, police had given false identity papers. It would appear that he was Russian vice consul. The shooter turned out just to be Brazilian, local media reported Friday.

  • Russia: no shooting diplomat in Rio

    Russia: no shooting diplomat in Rio

    August 5, 2016 06:00 Hot Recent News

    The Russian Embassy in Brazil has denied that the vice consul has been involved in a shooting in Rio de Janeiro, where a robber was killed. Brazilian media reported Thursday on the authority of the police that the Russian vice consul shot a robber with his own weapon.

  • Riots in Rio at crossing Olympic torch

    Riots in Rio at crossing Olympic torch

    August 4, 2016 06:33 Hot Recent News

    Protesters Wednesday in a suburb of Rio de Janeiro clashed with riot police during the passage of the Olympic torch. Hundreds of protesters blocked the route. The police officers were pelted with stones. It was then intervened hard with tear gas, pepper spray and rubber bullets.

  • Silence around kidnap Eccelstone

    Silence around kidnap Eccelstone

    July 28, 2016 09:15 Hot Recent News

    It is still quiet around the now almost a week kidnapped mother of Bernie Ecclestone (85). The 67-year-old Aparedida Schunck- the mother of Eccles Tones 47 years younger wife Fabiana flosi- disappeared last Friday at her home in Sao Paulo.

  • Brazilian Army settles in Rio
    0 Comment 480

    Brazilian Army settles in Rio

    July 24, 2016 17:15 Hot Recent News

    Police in Rio de Janeiro in view of the Olympic Games from Sunday, received the support of 22,000 men of the Brazilian Armed Forces. In total, rounding the 51,600 men and women of the police and the army out to ensure the safety of the city and the Games.

  • Brazil blocks WhatsApp again

    Brazil blocks WhatsApp again

    July 19, 2016 17:45 Hot Recent News

    A judge in the Brazilian city of Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday the WhatsApp messaging across the country paralyzed because the company refuses to provide information to a police investigation. It is according to the Brazilian O Globo medium now the third time that the flattening popular means of communication in Brazil because of a conflict with the law.

  • Containers stolen equipment correctly

    Containers stolen equipment correctly

    July 2, 2016 12:33 Hot Recent News

    The two containers full of stolen equipment from the German broadcasters ARD and ZDF to broadcast his visit during the Olympics. A police helicopter has the booty, worth about 400,000 euros, were found. The damage is minor, according to the TV stations.

  • Raid on wagon with materials ARD and ZDF

    Raid on wagon with materials ARD and ZDF

    July 1, 2016 18:24 Hot Recent News

    German TV channels ARD and ZDF on Friday faced the first cons of Olympic Games in Brazil. Criminals attacked a truck carrying two containers full of material from broadcasters during transportation from the port to the Olympic complex in Rio de Janeiro.

  • Man throws water to Olympic flame

    Man throws water to Olympic flame

    June 28, 2016 10:57 Hot Recent News

    The journey of the Olympic flame by Brazil prior to the Games in Rio de Janeiro has again fallen into disrepute. This time a spectator tried to extinguish the flame by putting a bucket of water to throw out.

  • Jaguar death after Olympic party

    Jaguar death after Olympic party

    manaus June 21, 2016 23:03 Hot Recent News

    The wild jaguar Juma as showpiece served at an Olympic ceremony in the Brazilian city of Manaus which must pay with their lives. After the ceremony knew the beast itself, much to the dismay of all present, loosen a chain. When the jaguar was not to subjugate four tranquilizer darts, the military decided to shoot the animal.

  • State of emergency in Rio de Janeiro

    State of emergency in Rio de Janeiro

    June 18, 2016 06:18 Hot Recent News

    Rio de Janeiro on Friday declared a financial emergency. According to the authorities, emergency measures necessary to prevent a total collapse,, public safety, education, transport and environmental management '' during the Olympics.

  • Hazard zika seems gone

    Hazard zika seems gone

    geneva June 14, 2016 21:45 Hot Recent News

    ,, There is a very low risk 'of further spread of the zikavirus by the Olympics in Brazil, the heart of the current outbreak. That said, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday.

  • Brazil furious after mass rape

    Brazil furious after mass rape

    May 28, 2016 07:54 Hot Recent News

    Brazil horrified by a shocking mass rape case. A 16-year-old girl was raped last week in a slum. In addition, at least thirty men were present. Two days later, images of rape posted on Twitter. Police say surely have four of the perpetrators in the picture.

  • Drama with bicycle bridge in Rio

    April 21, 2016 17:21 Hot Recent News

    In Rio de Janeiro five people missing after the collapse of a bicycle bridge. The bridge would be dumped at sea. In August, starting in the Brazilian city of the Summer Olympics.

  • Zika also detected in saliva and urine

    Zika also detected in saliva and urine

    February 5, 2016 21:00 Hot Recent News

    The zikavirus in Rio de Janeiro also found in saliva and urine of patients. This was reported by the renowned medical research center Institute Oswaldo Cruz. The scientists point out that it is not established that the virus can actually spread through these body fluids. There is more investigated, said one of the researchers involved, Myrna Bonaldo.

  • 'Mug is no stronger than a whole country'

    'Mug is no stronger than a whole country'

    January 29, 2016 16:21 Hot Recent News

    Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has the mosquitoes that spread the zikavirus declared war and called for the fight against zikavirus. She stressed that a mosquito is not stronger than a whole country.,, I ask everyone your employer, your employees, lenders, trade union representatives, your colleagues, your family and your neighbors to mobilize '' in the fight against the virus transmitted by mosquitoes.

  • Offensive against virus spread zika

    Offensive against virus spread zika

    January 26, 2016 08:35 Hot Recent News

    Brazil is a major offensive launched against further spread of the virus zika. At 56 000 hotels, bars and restaurants across the country are lists of measures distributed to the virus. Furthermore, 220 000 soldiers are ready to move into affected areas along the houses and to help fight.

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