Woman lay dying last day dog stuck on Snapchat
- It always gives a lot of sadness to say goodbye to your dog, especially if it is practical family of yours. Dog Hannah, however, had serious health problems months, when her boss cut through the tough knot to put her down. They made for a great last day of her four-legged friend and registering it in Snapchat.
'Dogs are too great to let go, but sometimes it then they should forgive you,' the message reads above the photo story that gave Hannah the owner on Imgur.
Hannah got heavier and heavier strokes in the last months of her life, which were exacerbated by the drugs she was taking for her kidneys, elbows and hips. Without those drugs could, however, they barely walk and was therefore already fallen several times down the stairs.
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'In the end I decided it was selfish to keep her on the drugs, but cruel to keep her from there. I wanted to give her one last day of pampering, as the queen she has always been, to let her go then- to a place without pain, strokes and nocturnal wails. '
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