US designates 'Terrorgram' as a global terror organization

washington - The United States has designated the group 'Terrorgram' as a terrorist organization, accusing it of racism and organizing attacks worldwide. Three leaders have been marked as terrorists.
The measure comes at the end of President Joe Biden's term, who promised to combat racism. The US Department of State stated its concern about the global threat of racially or ethnically motivated violent extremism.
The group mainly operated through the Telegram platform, from which it took its name. Through Telegram, the group 'motivated and facilitated' multiple members to carry out attacks. They are believed to be responsible for a shooting at a gay bar in Slovakia in October 2022, a planned attack on energy facilities in New Jersey in 2024, and a knife attack in a Turkish mosque in August 2024.
In September, two American leaders of Terrorgram were arrested on suspicion of inciting hate crimes and plotting to murder federal officials.

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