'UN must investigate violence in Myanmar'

World November 14, 2017 09:18

rangoon - Human rights organizations responded to a report from the Myanmar Army, which denies any involvement of soldiers in cruelties against the Rohingya population. According to Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch, it is clear that impartial research is offered by the United Nations.

Since mid-August more than 600,000 Rohingya have been transferred to Bangladesh. They flew for an operation of the army against insurgents in the state of Rakhine. Their stories about massacres, rapes and the burning of villages are supported by satellite imagery and other sources of information, HRW says, but after the internal investigation, the army comes to the conclusion that this is not all about it. The army says there are certainly 376 'terrorists' killed, but no 'innocent people. '

'The Myanmar Army is trying to sweep serious violations against the Rohingya under the carpet,' said James Gomez, Regional Director of Amnesty. According to Brad Adams of HRW, the authorities 'have shown that they can not perform credible research themselves. '

UN Secretary General António Guterres spoke at a meeting of Southeast Asian leaders in Manila with Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi about the Rohingya crisis. He stressed, according to a UN representative, that 'stronger efforts to ensure humanitarian access and safe, worthy and voluntary return, as well as reconciliation between communities, are essential. '

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