Surveillance UMC Utrecht lifted
utrecht - The Health Care Inspectorate has increased surveillance at the University Medical Center Utrecht (UMC Utrecht) ended. According to the inspection against the hospital ' concrete progress '' with improvements made. The board of the Health Care Inspectorate adequately informed in recent months on issues concerning the quality and safety of patient care.
Utrecht hospital was placed under surveillance in April this year. Therefore, the Inspectorate held UMC already closely watched, following a number of serious medical errors in the departments ear, nose and throat (ENT) and head and neck surgical oncology (HHCO).
Although the surveillance was lifted, there is still an investigation into the quality and safety at the UMC. ' The inspection UMC Utrecht will continue to monitor closely, if necessary in conjunction with the use of administrative measures, '' says the Healthcare Inspectorate.
The hospital in a reaction able to fully proceed with the implementation of changes. ' The past six months, we held a mirror. Care is only good as our patients and their families is perceived as good, and we had work to do, '' said Marguerite Schneider, CEO of UMC Utrecht.
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