Strong increase in such attacks in North Rhine-Westphalia

Strong increase in such attacks in North Rhine-Westphalia

World October 27, 2016 17:51

- The number crunching thud of ATMs in the German state of North Rhine-Westphalia has significantly increased compared to 2015. This year Were last year's 67 ATMs deployed, this year there were to October 20 110. That has been the Ministry of Internal Affairs of North Rhine- Westphalia Thursday to a committee of the Parliament of the Land informed.

The police solved only a quarter of the cases in comparison with slightly more than half of last year. According to police, most of the perpetrators are from the Netherlands and much of North African origin.

Interior Minister Ralf Jäger accused German banks laxity in protecting their ATMs. The pinmachines in the Benelux countries are now protected so that gangsters they no longer find it worthwhile, so that they had to emigrate to Germany. Apparently, the loss is not as high as the required investment costs. But in the calculations should also be taken into account that people can incur injuries as bank robbers so boldly proceed, the minister said.

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