Shop thief real iPhone

Shop thief real iPhone

December 1, 2015 11:30

- A shoplifter stole a dummy iPhone at electronics store Coolmix, now he wants to offer a true at the police station.

The robbery took place in the Coolmix plant in Eindhoven and according Coolmix themselves, this is their first shoplifter- but not a particularly savvy. Instead of a real iPhone 6 he took a dummy copy it where you absolutely can not do anything with it. The electronics case has therefore placed a cynical comment on Facebook : " If you can identify this young man so that we may kill him at the police station to offer a real can " (function (d, s, id) {var js, fis = d getElementsByTagName (. s) [0]; if) return (d getElementById (id.) ; js = d createElement (s). js id = id ;.. js src = " // connect facebook net / en_US / sdk js... # XFBML = 1 & version = v2 3 " ; fjs parent node insertBefore (js, fis);} (document, 'script', ' facebook- jssdk ')); WANTED:... our first shoplifter unfortunately took a dummy iPhone 6. Who can identify this young man so that we may kill him at the police station to offer a real one? Posted by Coolmix on Monday, November 30, 2015

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