Queen Máxima left Nigeria
lagos - https://www.telegraaf.nl/images/900x600/filters:format(jpeg):quality(80)/cdn-kiosk-api.telegraaf.nl/eadea3ce-c024-11e7-b556-c9b3400e4b78.jpg
Máxima was in Nigeria for the second time in five years. In 2012, she was present to the UN Secretary-General in launching a national strategy to ensure that 80% of the population in 2020 had access to financial services.
But in recent years the ambition has come to an end, and the queen was asked to come back. She first spoke in Lagos, the economic heart, and then in Abuja's administrative center with representatives from the telecommunications and banking world, members of government and governors of states.
Queen Máxima helps and advises countries on improving access to financial services, such as savings, insurance and simple banking, since 2009 at the request of the UN boss. Two billion people do not have that access yet.
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