'Political correctness kills free debate'

'Political correctness kills free debate'

World December 19, 2015 16:28

london - British universities have become too politically correct, making freedom of speech is at stake. Writing a group of leading scientists Saturday in The Telegraph.

Universities delete an expanding because someone might take offense to it. This self-censorship is changing universities in interleaved safe havens , where students are not the intellectual challenge of a debate about conflicting ideas get.

Fire letter comes at a time that the University of Oxford is considering removing a statue of Cecil Rhodes, a former student and lender of training. Rhodes is regarded as the architect of apartheid in South Africa. The image according to the academics part of a long and growing list of people and objects that are banned on British campuses, including pop songs and sombreros.

An open and democratic society has to need people who have the courage to argue against ideas they disagree with or even find offensive , according to the letter.

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