Macedonia started building border fence

Macedonia started building border fence

World November 28, 2015 12:30

skopje - The Macedonian army has begun setting down a fence on the border between Macedonia and Greece. The fence comes at a border crossing where many refugees report, to travel from there to Western Europe. It is a " preventive measure " that is designed according to a government official in order to keep the flow of refugees better in the hand.

At the Greek- Macedonian border to Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis that Europe in Greece have arrived in boats from Turkey passed without problems. Asylum seekers from Iran, Pakistan and Morocco are excluded since a few weeks, leaving large groups of them stuck at the border. It comes there regularly to incidents.

Hungary has its southern border already equipped with a fence. The refugees, most of whom want to go to Germany, must therefore travel about through Croatia and Slovenia.

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