Israel warns demonstrators: stay away from fence

Israel warns demonstrators: stay away from fence

World May 14, 2018 08:57

gaza - The Israeli army warned Palestinians in pamphlets to stay away from the fence at the border between Gaza and Israel. New protests are expected on Monday.

Israel calls on residents of the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian enclave on the coast, in the pamphlets no attempt to sabotage the fence. During protests at the border, dozens of Palestinian deaths fell in recent weeks. That led to international criticism. Israel says the army units in the area are defending the border.

Palestinian demonstrators probably move to the border in large numbers on Monday and Tuesday. For example, the American embassy in Jerusalem officially opens its doors on Monday. The Palestinians commemorate 'Nakba' (the Catastrophe) on Tuesday. With that they refer to the declaration of the state of Israel seventy years ago.

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