Geldermalsen gets big azc

Geldermalsen gets big azc

World December 11, 2015 22:07

geldermalsen - Municipality of Geldermalsen is getting hard for the arrival of a large refugee center in the Gelderland town. The mayor and aldermen unveiled plans Friday. The intention is to set up a complex with space for 1,500 asylum seekers. The AZC would be the next ten years of age must be in use.

The City Council has not yet determined definitively on the arrival of the center. Wednesday the city council meets it. A foregone conclusion seems not yet to be.,null, It will be exciting, '' said Frank Broedelet, leader of the VVD in the board and opponent of the arrival of a reception center with a similar capacity, at the ANP. The coalition does not seem, according to him all of one mind, but perhaps the center comes out with the consent of an opposition party.If the center get there, then it immediately becomes one of the largest azc of our country, after those in Ter Apel and Budel- Cranendonck. If everything goes according to the plans of B and W proceeds, the center can open in Geldermalsen in June. Around the same time is the largest emergency shelter location in the Netherlands, in Heumensoord in Nijmegen, close.

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