Flanders wants smoking ban in car with child
November 22, 2017 15:27
brussels - Flanders wants to introduce a smoking ban in cars with children. 'It would be irresponsible to wait longer. I am absolutely in favor of the ban ', said Minister Joke Schauvliege (Environment) Wednesday in the Flemish Parliament.
In Flemish society there would be 'enormous support' for such a ban, said her party colleague Els van Hoof.
Wallonia is already a little further. The Walloon government is discussing a proposal this week that prohibits smoking in a car with minors. The measure could go there at the end of next year. Those who are caught must pay 150 euros.
The ban already exists in, among others, France, Ireland, England, Australia and parts of the US and Canada. Dutch doctors also pleaded for a ban in 2015, but the House of Representatives did not want to do that at the time.
Passive second-hand smoke can cause serious health damage, especially in a small enclosed space.
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