FBI can investigate Clinton email
- The FBI has been authorized to examine the newly discovered e-mails from the Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. The discovery of these emails was recently published by FBI Director James Comey at a very awkward time for Clinton.
The FBI has been allowed to see if the e-mails sent from her private address or from the official government server that they should have used. And the FBI should find out whether the e-mails were sent when Clinton foreign minister was from 2009 to 2013.
In July, Clinton was still acquitted of using her private email address on state affairs. Her rival Trump speaks there since shame.
Sunday accused the very angry Democratic Senate leader Harry Reid FBI Director Comey still breaking the law. He was referring thereby to the law named Hatch Act, which states that members of the federal government a presidential candidate should not discredit at election time. Other prominent Democrats have expressed their dissatisfaction with the allegations that were made eleven days before the election by Comey.
Sunday was also known that Hillary Clinton in the polls has fallen slightly as a result of email crisis. An investigation by ABC / Washington Post showed that about a third of the voters tended to vote Clinton by this news brought back in doubt.
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