EU is considering migrant centers outside the union

EU is considering migrant centers outside the union

World June 19, 2018 13:51

brussels - The European Union is working on the idea of ​​transferring migrants rescued at sea to centers outside the EU. On these so-called 'disembarkation platforms', economic migrants and refugees who require protection must be quickly distinguished in cooperation with the UN.

The development of this 'concept' can count on support from the EU heads of government, according to the draft conclusions of the EU Heads of Government summit next week in Brussels. There is still a lot of discussion going on, so the text can still change. Earlier, Tunisia and Albania were mentioned as places for such camps. But it is still unclear whether these countries agree.

The measures should keep migrants from starting the life-threatening journey. EU Heads of Government are 'determined' to further reduce illegal migration, especially by smugglers from Libya.

The travel of asylum seekers through Europe seriously endangers the asylum system and is further included in the documents. Member States should therefore 'take all necessary measures and work closely together' to put an end to this. This call appears to be a reaction to the threat from the German coalition party CSU to refuse asylum seekers registered elsewhere in Europe at the border if no European agreements are made about it.

EU countries have been in a stalemate for years on how to deal with the migration issue, including the fair distribution of asylum seekers across the Member States. The revision of the Dublin Regulation, which prescribes that the first country of arrival is in principle responsible for examining the asylum application, has also fallen to a dead end.

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