Diamond prices fall through laboratory stones

World December 18, 2017 08:21

amsterdam - The holidays are experiencing an increase in jewelery sales, but diamond producers are struggling with ever stronger competition- of machines.

In the short term, the prices will not be much better. That is what the ABN Amro Economics Bureau analysts observe in a sector study.

The production of diamonds produced in laboratories grows at lightning speed and, with more supply, puts pressure on prices.

Because of the strong advance of increasingly larger, artificial diamonds from laboratories, the question arises as to how long the diamond, often cut under bad conditions, can still survive in that competitive battle. In view of the rapid technological growth, it is certainly true of medium-sized diamonds that the better-quality laboratory diamond can win it from the counterpart, analysts Georgette Boele and Maria Anne van Dijk write.

'That would be a revolution and a challenge for the sector of mined diamonds', they say.

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