Cookie sample full of coke

Cookie sample full of coke

World July 13, 2017 11:33

florida keys - The police of the US Florida Keys made a special drug catch. Cookie monster, a resident of Sesam Street, was filled with more than three hundred grams of cocaine. He and his 39-year-old hanger were arrested.

A helper's hero kept a carriage of tinted windows with a license plate that did not knock. When the 39-year-old driver dropped his window, a striking marihuanage watch came up.

When checking the car, a plush cube of Cookie Monster was found. The helper hero noted that 'Cookie Monster' felt heavier than usual. There was a slice of it.

At opening it appeared that there were more than three hundred grams of coke in the doll. This has been seized. The driver was taken to the police station.

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