Chocolate honors butchered rhino

Chocolate honors butchered rhino

World April 8, 2017 11:57

nogent - A French chocolate maker has made a special tribute to the newly butchered in a Parisian zoo rhino Vince. In his shop window is a chocolate rhino as much as 180 kilos.

'Our customers know how much we love animals,' says Eric Thévenot at Le Parisien. 'When Vince was slain in the zoo Thoiry, was the talk of the day in the shop. The horror came so close to the people, they really got. '

Therefore, the top chocolatier this year chose not to baby chicks and bunnies that he had planned for his traditional Easter window. Following suggestions from clients he started the big rhinoceros.

In the shop are also smaller nose cones for sale. The yield thereof is donated to the zoo.

Rhino Vince was last month in the French zoo in Thoiry, just outside Paris, slaughtered by poachers who were on his horn. Horn and ivory are used in Asian countries such as traditional medicine and is therefore a very popular product.

READ ALSO: Murder rhino Vince lucrative

The young rhino was born in 2012 in Burgers Zoo in Arnhem and moved in relation to a European breeding program for France.

'Our customers know how much we love animals,' says Eric Thévenot at Le Parisien. 'When Vince was slain in the zoo Thoiry, was the talk of the day in the shop. The horror came so close to the people, they really got. '

Therefore, the top chocolatier this year chose not to baby chicks and bunnies that he had planned for his traditional Easter window. Following suggestions from clients he started the big rhinoceros.

In the shop are also smaller nose cones for sale. The yield thereof is donated to the zoo.

Rhino Vince was last month in the French zoo in Thoiry, just outside Paris, slaughtered by poachers who were on his horn. Horn and ivory are used in Asian countries such as traditional medicine and is therefore a very popular product.

READ ALSO: Murder rhino Vince lucrative

The young rhino was born in 2012 in Burgers Zoo in Arnhem and moved in relation to a European breeding program for France.

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